Roxane Marie

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Influence of DNA

1953, Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA was discovered. So profoundly prolific was this discovery, this new knowledge. It instigated and continuously wooed the minds of science for a vast number of years, studying it's complexity and relevance to humanity. It created new fields of research such as genetic engineering and genealogy, while fostering biology and forensics, to name a few things. Truly, this was the gem of science in our era.  Nearly 60 years later, you might have thought that they had everything all figured out, there was no more to uncover. Guess what? Once again, DNA has turned the Body of Science on it's heels and has brought it to the brink of the vast unknown, and has astounded those privileged enough to experience it first hand. How, you may wonder? Well, first let me say that according to Greg Braden, a well respected scientist and visionary, leader in bridging science and spirituality said, "Science is now confirming what our oldest spiritual teachings have been saying and that is, that EVERYTHING is connected, and there is an intelligent language used in a non verbal communication between EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS".  Braden gives an example of this non verbal process of hyper-communication in the ant. The Queen may go as far from the nest as she desires, while the workers continue their orderly and diligent work. If the Queen happens to be killed while away from the nest, the worker ants instantaneously become disoriented and confused. We also understand this non verbal language or communication when we talk about human genetics. Within the human DNA are the principles of language, it explicitly follows the rules of syntax and semantics while displaying the basics of grammar. Scientists say this language is comprised of some 3 billion genetic letters and has the ability to store immense amounts of information as well. The human DNA is described as being a biological internet and being far Superior to the internet that we know today. This first  DNA experiment was done by Dr.Vladimir Poponin, a quantum biologist. In this experiment, a container was emptied and a vacuum was created within it, so that the only thing left in it were particles of light, or photons. They measured the distribution and location of the photons and found they were completely random, there was no order to their position. This was the expected result. What happened in the second part of this experiment was totally unexpected. DNA was placed inside the same container and the positions of the photons were again established. Only this time the photons were LINED UP in an STRUCTURED ORDER and ALIGNED with the DNA. This means is that the physical DNA had an effect on the non-physical photons. Even after the DNA was removed the photons stayed in their structured order. Another experiment were twin photons were separated 14 miles apart. Experiments were done on one photon while the twin photon responded in the exact same way as the photon that was being experiment on 14 miles away.  The Military did pretty much the same experiment using plasma and it's donor and found the responses between the two were identical, measuring the exact same in peaks and valleys, at the exact same time.  They stopped their experiment when the distance between the donor and his DNA was 50 miles and they STILL had the SAME result with No lag or transmission time. Scientists are in agreement that the properties of our physical make-up, in particular DNA has an affect on the stuff our world is made of, any debate centers around how much influence there is.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post Roxanne. DNA was always thought to be the driving force behind our reality. It is now clearly understood that DNA fulfills the role of an information processor. It is the language of the heart in the form of proteins which stimulates and activates this matrix of illusion. Check out the video work by Dr. Bruce Lipton on the subject, his work is fantastic. I love Greg, he is truly an inspiring scientist. His descriptive work on quantum expression is unparalleled for it's simplicity and ease of understanding. I think you would have some fun in the science section and health video sections of my site. Look forward to your future work Roxanne.

    Namaste, my sister Roxanne, from a bucket of fear, oneness and unconditional love may be found...
