Roxane Marie

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Plugged In

Long before modern technology was invented and before the body's system could be technologically monitored, for more than 5000 years both the ancient Chinese and ancient Indians understood the electric energy system of the body
. The Chinese
with their concept of  meridians and the energy of Qi (Chi) which directly relates to the earths magnetic meridians lines. While the Indians have their concept of nadas and the energy of prana. Both Qi and prana mean vital energy or life force. They differ in fundamental beliefs such as to the beginning of existence of mankind but it is safe to say that they both use this knowledge with special medical and spiritual significance. Both believe that the health of the body directly relates to Qi and to Prana. It is agreed that the life force and the free movement of energy throughout the body promotes good health, whereas if blocked this results in pain, illness and if extremely weak, even death. These energy practices are still prominently used all across Asia. After 5000 years science now confirms that this is true. Robert O. Becker co-author of Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life describes his research as "our bio-electric selves". During Becker's research he discovered that by applying external electrical stimulation in the proper form he was able to induce healing of bones in patients whose bones would not regenerate itself. His research confirms that the body is an electric energy system. These ancient energy health and spiritual practices have become widely accepted and many use it as a safe and effective alternative to the pharmaceutical and invasive medical practices of the western world. Modern science is only confirming what many believe today and the ancients believed over 5000 years ago. No other belief system or health practice has sustained the longevity and continuance of maintaining good health and creating a strong life force within the body. We are electric beings!